Why Financial Planning is Important by, Aaron Steele

Financial planning is mainly about identifying short and long-term financial objectives and developing a strategy to attain them.

Whether you have lost a job, find yourself in a dead-end career or want to retire early, everyone should engage in financial planning. Creating a sound financial plan can be the difference between living your life on your terms or working until death with no plan in place to save you. At the same time, some may think that financial planning is “something for rich people,” which couldn’t be further from the truth.

The reality is that most people are in the dark when it comes to managing their finances, living paycheck to paycheck without knowing where their money goes or having a hard time putting away enough cash to save for retirement. For these reasons and more, everyone needs financial planning, whether they realize it or not.

10 Reasons Financial Planning is Important

Here are just some of the ways that financial planning is essential to help you live your life on your terms, regardless of income level:

1. To Develop Financial Understanding

Financial planning can help you gain a better understanding of how money works. This is particularly important if you have always had someone handle your finances, such as a parent or spouse. By taking an active role in financial planning, not only will you gain valuable knowledge that could come in handy at some point, but you are also likely to reduce your risk of making costly mistakes with your money.

2. For Help Meeting Your Goals

Whether you are looking to buy your first home, send a child to college, or afford a second car, financial planning can help you meet these goals. Having a plan in place and sticking to it will put you on the right track and ensure that common issues won’t stand in your way. You may even want to consider hiring a federal employee-focused financial planner to help you navigate the tricky waters in this area.

3. To Reach Financial Independence

Financial independence means that you no longer have to work, even if you want to continue working. It is also commonly referred to as financial freedom or retirement readiness and represents a key milestone for many people looking ahead at their life’s big picture. To achieve financial independence, it will be vital to plan for your retirement early to make the most out of the money you save.

4. To Increase Your Purchasing Power

One of the greatest perks of having a sound financial plan is to afford more things or opportunities later on in life. For example, if you plan to retire early and live on a fixed income, planning will help you enjoy the retirement you want later in life.

5. To Start Saving for a Rainy Day

Everyone knows that emergencies happen. However, some people lack the funds to cover such an emergency due to a poor financial plan. This is why it’s important to start saving for a rainy day early on in life and even invest in riskier assets like stocks and bonds while you are young so that your money has time to grow.

6. To Stay One Step Ahead of the Game

As the saying goes, being forewarned is being forearmed. By having a financial plan in place at all times, you are putting yourself one step ahead of the game so that you can be more prepared for whatever life throws your way next. You will also have financial peace of mind knowing that your money is in the right place and, if a financial emergency does occur, you can be sure to handle it accordingly.

7. To Reduce Money Related Stress

Money-related stress is common these days, but it doesn’t need to be. Developing a workable financial plan can go a long way towards relieving your money worries while ensuring you can enjoy the fun stuff in life.

8. For Greater Financial Stability

A well-thought-out financial plan will help you stay on the right path when life throws you a curveball or two. While mastering your finances may take years, developing a budget is the first step in getting things under control so that you can become financially stable in no time. This stability will help you focus on what matters most to you while enjoying the occasional splurge.

9. To Keep Things in Perspective

Having a workable financial plan will ensure that you can see your money for what it is, rather than fixate on the fact that there isn’t enough. Developing this perspective can help free up mental space so that you can focus on more important things.

10. To Improve Your Credit Score

Improving your credit score can have a lasting impact on your financial well-being. Whether you are working towards buying a home, renting an apartment, or trying to secure a business loan, having a better credit score will put you in a much stronger position to succeed – or stand out from the other applicants you’re competing with.

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Phone: 3604642979

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After entering the financial services industry in 1994, it was a desire to guide people towards their financial independence that drove Aaron to start Steele Capital Management in 2013. Armed with an extensive background in financial planning and commercial banking coupled with a sincere passion for helping people, Aaron has the expertise and affinity for serving the unique needs of those in transition. Clients benefit from his objective financial solutions and education aligned solely withhelping them pursue the most comfortable financial life possible.Born in Olympia, Washington, Aaron spent much of his childhood in Denver, Colorado. An area outside of Phoenix, Arizona, known as the East Valley, occupies a special place in Aaron’s heart. It is where he graduated from Arizona State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, started a family, and advanced his professional career.Having now returned to his hometown of Olympia, and with the days of coaching his sons football and baseball teams behind him, he now has time to pursue his civic passions. Aaron is proud to serve on the Board of Regents Leadership for Thurston County as the Secretary and Treasurer for the Morningside area. His past affiliations include the West Olympia Rotary and has served on various committees for organizations throughout his community.Aaron and his beautiful wife, Holly, a Registered Nurse, consider their greatest accomplishment having raised Thomas and Tate, their two intelligent and motivated sons. Their oldest son Tate is following in his father’s entrepreneurial footsteps and currently attends the Carson College of Business at Washington State University. Their beloved youngest son, Thomas, is a student at Olympia High School.Focused on helping veterans and their families navigate the maze of long-term care solutions, Aaron specializes in customized strategies to avoid the financial crisis that care related expenses can create. Experience has shown him that many seniors are not prepared for the economic transition that takes place as they reach an advanced age.With support from the American Academy of Benefit Planners – an organization with expertise and resources on the intricacies of government benefits – he helps clients close the gap between the cost of care and their income while protecting their assets from depletion.Aaron can help you and your family to create, preserve and protect your legacy.That’s making a difference.

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