Category: Federal Employee


Find Out About the Role of FEGLI in Your Overall Financial Plan

Key Takeaways:
Integrating FEGLI with other insurance policies can enhance your overall financial security.Regularly reviewing and a…

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Checklist for a Successful CSRS Retirement Application Process

Key Takeaways:
Proper preparation and documentation are crucial for a smooth CSRS retirement application process.Understanding deadli…

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FEGLI Coverage Options: Choosing What’s Best For You

Key Takeaways:
Understanding the various FEGLI coverage options can help you select the best life insurance…

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Divorce and CSRS: How Does it Affect Your Retirement Benefits?

Key Takeaways:
Divorce can significantly impact your CSRS pension and survivor benefits.Understanding the legal processes and strategies for protecting your benefits is crucial during a divorce.

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A Closer Look At Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Investment Strategies for Federal Employees

Key Takeaways:
Understanding the various TSP investment funds and effective diversification techniques can help optimize your retirement savings.Ma…

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How Does Social Security Fit Into Your CSRS Retirement Plan

Key Takeaways:

The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) can significantly reduce your Social Sec…

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