Why Federal Retirees Are Signing Up for Long-Term Care Insurance Now More Than Ever
Key Takeaways
Federal retirees are increasingly signing up for long-term care insurance to secure financial stability and peace of mind in their later years.Long-term care insurance provides critical support for those needing assis…
How the Social Security COLA Is Changing Retirement for Federal Workers
Key Takeaways
The 2024 Social Security COLA brings significant adjustments to the financial outlook for federal retirees, influencing retirement income strategies.Federal workers need to assess how the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA…
Thinking About Dropping Your FEGLI? Here’s What Federal Retirees Are Deciding
Key Takeaways:
Many federal retirees are reconsidering their FEGLI coverage due to evolving financial needs and new retirement priorit…
The Smartest Ways to Blend Your Social Security and FERS Benefits for a Better Retirement
Key Takeaways:
Maximizing your retirement income involves careful coordination between Social Security and FERS (Federal Employees Retirement System) benefits.Bl…
FEHB After Retirement: What Every Federal Worker Needs to Know to Stay Covered
Key Takeaways:
Federal employees can continue their Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) coverage into retirement, offering stability and peace of mind.It’s crucial to meet specific eligibility requirements before retiring to ens…
Still Not Ready to Retire? Here’s Why Phased Retirement May Be Your Perfect Solution
Key Takeaways
Phased retirement offers federal employees flexibility and a smoother transition into retirement while continuing to earn an income.The program allows employees to work part-time and gradually shift into full retirement…