ADA Compliant Training,
Anywhere an Internet Connection is Available
Employees working remotely is more prevalent today than ever before. Your
employees still need access to the best information available, and the training you
provide your employees reflects on you. Why not offer the best?

Coming soon

Federal employees receive access to our customized, ADA Compliant
e-learning platform, providing each employee a truly unique
training and educational experience. Our easy-to-understand
and insightful guidance on federal retirement and employee
benefits are accessible anytime, anywhere, on any device.
Introducing A New Way to Educate
Your Team on Federal Employee Benefits
Today, everything is done online, from buying cars to selling homes to ordering groceries. Educating your employees about their federal retirement benefits is no exception. Our powerful, personalized e-learning platform leads the way in online benefits education and training for federal employees. As the application ʻlearnsʼ about the federal employee, it provides highly-customized training to the employeeʼs unique needs and circumstances. Through online training, the employee receives better training at significantly reduced costs while simplifying participation and enhancing retention. When coupled with in-person training, PSRE may provide the best training available period.
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