Depending on the details of your retirement, your annuity may be affected once you begin working for the government post retiring. The nature of your job may also p…
Federal retirees received a 9% increase in COLA
The evaluation phase for January 2023 federal pensions and benefits is 75% complete. Considering a 1.6% rise in the impact of inflation used to calculate the COLA (cos…
Transfer TSP Funds into Annuities
If you are preparing for retirement as a government employee, it is likely you have heard of the
4 Mistakes People Make When Buying and Using Life Insurance
Here are some of the most common mistakes to avoid when buying a
Turning TSP Distributions into an Annuity
The least-used option for withdrawals from a Thrift Savings Plan is annuities, although payments …
The Benefits and Disadvantages of FERS Deferred Retirement
There are two scenarios in which a FERS Employee might opt for Deferred Retirement….